My Role
March - May 2022 (3 months)

What are the existing problems in learning Chinese poetry?
Collected data from 52 parents experienced in supporting children with poetry learning
In-depth interviews with 3 children and 5 parents to gain firsthand insights
Children’s feelings and challenges shape the core of our service

Leo Chen
6 years old
First-grade Student
Curious but struggles to understand poetry on his own
Finds traditional materials dull and uninspiring
Learn poetry in a fun, interactive, and visual way
Enjoy the process while feeling accomplished
Parents can decide whether or not to pay for this service

Emma Lee
36 years old
Marketing Manager
Overwhelmed by work, unable to guide her child’s learning
Worried about finding engaging resources for her child
Cultivate her child’s interest in Chinese poetry
Use an effective, self-guided tool to save time
Existing poetry learning methods lack interactivity and often involve high production costs.
Through the researches, we found there are three main methods for Chinese children to learn poetry. However, they’re either less interest or expensive. There’s a niche to find a poetry learning method that are both interactive and cheap.
(Passive listening)
(Dull reading)
(Lack interactivity)
(Same material)
(Same video)
Parental Involvement

Traditional Lecture

Textbook-Based Learning

Animation-Based Learning
AI-Powered Learning
Let’s see how will children interact with ArtPoet
📣 All the materials in the process (e.g. stickers, background image) are automatically generated by AI model we built

Choose the interested topic
Follow the voice instruction to basically go through the overall poem

Use stickers to create images
Drag the right stickers and zoom in/out to a proper size, forming a scene that can represent the sentence

Generate customized scene
Based on where children put the stickers, form a corresponding and personalized image
ArtPoet generates personalized images for correct interpretations and prompts children to retry if the meaning is misunderstood.
Incorrect understanding
⚠️ The man should on the boat rather than on the bridge
Correct understanding
⭕️ Know relationship between objects in the poem
For correct interpretations, visual placements may vary, then AI-generated image will also different
Version 1
The boat and the man is on the left, and the trees are on the right.
Version 2
The boat and the man are surrounded by the trees.

Between-subject design helps us identify the advantages of the AI-assisted learning method.
We cooperated with an elementary school and invited 40 students to this experiment. Students were randomly divided into two groups, each learning the same poem using different methods.
Control Group
(20 students)
Traditional Learning
Teacher lectured for all 20 students and let them learned by themselves for 30 minutes after the class
Experiment Group
(20 students)
AI-assisted (ArtPoet) Learning
Students learned the poem by ArtPoet(Beta) without the direct guidance by the teacher
Teacher evaluated each student's learning performance and assigned a score
Key Insights from User Testing
We utilized SPSS and Python to analyze the data from the user testing session, and identified key insights regarding the effectiveness and usability of ArtPoet compared to traditional methods
Insight #1
💡 What went well...
AI-assisted method significantly improves children's scores in word meaning (p = 0.045) and overall comprehension (p = 0.030) compared to traditional methods
⚙️ Can Be Improved
Contextual understanding is not statistically different in these two methods (p = 0.150), which means more contextual elements should be added into the learning process to enhance this aspect
Insight #2
📈 Effectiveness
ArtPoet effectively improves children’s learning results, higher overall score, compared to the traditional method
👩🏫 Adaptation Challenges
The AI-assisted method shows less consistency in students’ performance, implying that not all the students can adopt this new technology in poem learning